asymptotically faster algorithmの例文


  1. Although asymptotically faster algorithms are now known, the Bentley Ottman algorithm remains a practical choice due to its simplicity and low memory requirements.
  2. If the input data have some " a priori " properties which can be exploited in construction of algorithms, in addition to comparisons, then asymptotically faster algorithms may be possible.
  3. Beyond asymptotic order of growth, the constant factors matter : an asymptotically slower algorithm may be faster or smaller ( because simpler ) than an asymptotically faster algorithm when they are both faced with small input, which may be the case that occurs in reality.


  1. "asymptotically developable function"の例文
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  13. "asymptotically flat"の例文
  14. "asymptotically flat spacetime"の例文

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